Delicious Recipes

My gluten free meal plan for today, what’s yours?

My meal plan ensures a balance of proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates while incorporating the fresh produce from my garden and food forest in Te Puke. Enjoy your meals!


Tropical Smoothie Bowl:

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup coconut milk or almond milk
    • 1 banana
    • 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
    • 1/2 cup mango slices
    • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
    • Toppings: sliced kiwi, passion fruit, shredded coconut, and a handful of mixed berries


  1. Blend the coconut milk, banana, pineapple, mango, and chia seeds until smooth.
  2. Pour into a bowl and top with kiwi, passion fruit, shredded coconut, and mixed berries.

Mid-Morning Snack

Garden Fresh Veggie Sticks with Hummus:

  • Ingredients:
    • Sliced carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, and celery
    • 1/4 cup homemade or store-bought gluten-free hummus


Grilled Chicken Salad with Tropical Fruits:

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 grilled chicken breast, sliced
    • Mixed greens (lettuce, spinach, kale)
    • Sliced avocado
    • Cherry tomatoes
    • Sliced mango
    • Sliced papaya
    • A handful of toasted nuts (almonds, cashews)
    • Dressing: 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon lime juice, salt, and pepper to taste


  1. Combine mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, mango, and papaya in a bowl.
  2. Top with sliced grilled chicken and toasted nuts.
  3. Drizzle with olive oil and lime juice dressing.

Afternoon Snack

Tropical Fruit Salad:

  • Ingredients:
    • Diced pineapple
    • Diced mango
    • Sliced banana
    • Sliced kiwi
    • A handful of pomegranate seeds


  1. Mix all the fruits in a bowl and enjoy a refreshing snack.


Garden Vegetable Stir-Fry with Quinoa:

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup cooked quinoa
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 1 clove garlic, minced
    • 1 onion, sliced
    • 1 bell pepper, sliced
    • 1 zucchini, sliced
    • 1 cup broccoli florets
    • 1 cup snap peas
    • 2 tablespoons gluten-free soy sauce or tamari
    • Fresh basil or cilantro for garnish


  1. Heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat.
  2. Add garlic and onion, and sauté until fragrant.
  3. Add bell pepper, zucchini, broccoli, and snap peas, and stir-fry until tender-crisp.
  4. Stir in gluten-free soy sauce or tamari and cooked quinoa.
  5. Garnish with fresh basil or cilantro.

Evening Snack

Tropical Fruit Yogurt Parfait:

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup gluten-free yogurt (coconut or almond-based)
    • Sliced tropical fruits (mango, papaya, pineapple)
    • A handful of gluten-free granola
    • Drizzle of honey (optional)


  1. Layer yogurt, tropical fruits, and granola in a glass or bowl.
  2. Drizzle with honey if desired.

Tips for Creating Weekly Meal Plans

  1. Assess Your Schedule
    • Tip: Look at your week ahead to identify busy days where quick meals are needed and days where you can spend more time cooking.
    • Example: Plan simple meals on workdays and more elaborate recipes on weekends.
  2. Inventory Check
    • Tip: Check your pantry, fridge, and freezer to see what ingredients you already have.
    • Example: Use up perishable items and incorporate pantry staples to avoid unnecessary purchases.
  3. Plan Balanced Meals
    • Tip: Ensure each meal includes a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables.
    • Example: Plan for a mix of lean proteins (chicken, fish), whole grains (brown rice, quinoa), and a variety of vegetables.
  4. Include Favorites and New Recipes
    • Tip: Balance familiar meals with new recipes to keep things interesting.
    • Example: Incorporate family favorites and try one or two new dishes each week.
  5. Prepare a Grocery List
    • Tip: Write a detailed grocery list based on your meal plan.
    • Example: Organise the list by categories (produce, dairy, meats) to make shopping more efficient.
  6. Batch Cooking and Prep
    • Tip: Prepare ingredients or meals in bulk to save time during the week.
    • Example: Cook a large batch of soup or chili and freeze portions for later.
  7. Flexibility
    • Tip: Allow some flexibility in your meal plan to accommodate changes.
    • Example: Plan for a few versatile ingredients that can be used in multiple dishes if your plans change.
  8. Leftover Planning
    • Tip: Incorporate leftovers into your meal plan.
    • Example: Plan for a leftover night or use leftovers for lunches.
  9. Seasonal and Local Ingredients
    • Tip: Use seasonal and locally sourced ingredients for freshness and cost savings.
    • Example: Plan meals around what’s in season, such as winter squash in the colder months or fresh berries in summer.
  10. Use Technology and Tools
    • Tip: Utilise apps and online tools for meal planning and recipe organisation.
    • Example: Use apps like Mealime or Yummly to find recipes and create digital grocery lists.

By following these tips, you can create effective and efficient weekly meal plans that save time, reduce costs, and promote healthier eating habits.

About Troppo

Plants are like little superheroes for our well-being, injecting a burst of vitality into our lives! 🌿✨ As life speeds up, we crave that deep connection with nature more than ever. Enter plants, with their superpowers: they nourish us, calm us, add rich textures and vibrant colors to our surroundings, and even clean up the air we breathe. 🪴🌸 They're our bridge to the natural world, making our lives richer, happier, and healthier. So, let’s give a cheer for plants, the ultimate life enhancers! 🌼🌱

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