Tree Crops Annual Tree Sale Waikato, Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tree Crops Annual Tree Sale Waikato 2024 Join us for the highly anticipated Tree Crops Annual Tree Sale in Waikato, 2024! This event is a fantastic opportunity for gardeners, fruit enthusiasts, and anyone interested in sustainable agriculture to purchase a wide variety of fruit trees, nut trees, and other specialty crops. Don't miss out on this chance to expand your garden with high-quality, loca...

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Going troppo with bananas

Banana Dreams: Cultivating Tropical Beauty in Winter You might be wondering why I have bananas on my mind in the midst of winter. Well, after five days of relentless rain, I’m yearning for something to lift my spirits and make me feel a bit more tropical. 🌴 Bananas have always fascinated me, although my experiences with growing them have been a mixed bag. The Abyssinian bananas in my garden gr...

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Transforming Your Kiwi Backyard: Landscaping Trends in New Zealand

Ready to give your Kiwi backyard a fresh, modern makeover? New Zealand is embracing some fantastic landscaping trends that blend style, sustainability, and functionality. Whether you're looking to create a peaceful retreat or an entertainment hotspot, these ideas will help you transform your outdoor space into a true paradise. Let's explore the hottest landscaping trends in New Zealand! 1. Native...

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Exploring the Fascinating World of Flowering Plants in the Araceae Family

Introduction The Araceae family, commonly known as the arum or aroid family, encompasses some of the most intriguing and diverse flowering plants. From the exotic Anthurium to the iconic Peace Lily, the Araceae family holds a unique place in both botany and horticulture. This extensive family includes over 3,750 species, distributed across approximately 114 genera. Their distinct morphology, fa...

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Whanganui’s Banana Bonanza: Going Tropical in Style!

Whanganui Goes Bananas: From Backyard Wonders to Fruity Feasts! Back in 2014, Steve Clotworthy’s 10-year-old banana tree in Aramoho made headlines when it fruited for the very first time. Today, bananas popping up in Whanganui backyards are hardly news. 🌴 Gareth Carter of Springvale Nurseries explains that Whanganui’s warming climate is transforming the way we garden. "In areas like Springvale...

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Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide: Your New Leafy Best Friend! 🌿👑

5 Steps to Growing Marble Queen Pothos Select a suitable sized pot with good drainage  Add a layer of indoor plant mix to plant into  Choose a spot in bright, indirect light Don’t water too frequently, allow the soil to dry out between watering  Apply a general purpose fertiliser once a month during the growing season  Follow our full guide and plant care tips to growing Marble Queen Pothos below.

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