The Enchanting World of Frangipani (Plumeria)

Frangipani, also known as Plumeria, is a tropical plant that captivates the senses with its exquisite beauty and delightful fragrance. With its vibrant flowers and lush green leaves, Frangipani has become a favorite among garden enthusiasts and horticulturists worldwide. This blog delves into the fascinating world of Frangipani, exploring its origins, varieties, cultivation tips, and cultural sign...

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Going troppo with bananas

Banana Dreams: Cultivating Tropical Beauty in Winter You might be wondering why I have bananas on my mind in the midst of winter. Well, after five days of relentless rain, I’m yearning for something to lift my spirits and make me feel a bit more tropical. 🌴 Bananas have always fascinated me, although my experiences with growing them have been a mixed bag. The Abyssinian bananas in my garden gr...

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Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting?

Question. Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting to grow healthy roots? Answer. Hey there, banana enthusiasts! 🌿 If you’re gearing up to plant a banana tree, you might be wondering whether you need to cut the leaves before getting it in the ground. The short answer? It depends on the condition of the leaves and the planting process. Let’s dig a little deeper. Why You Mig...

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Frangipani, the Fragrance of Memories

Nestled among the vibrant tapestry of tropical blooms, the frangipani stands out as a timeless emblem of beauty and tranquility. With its delicate petals and intoxicating fragrance, this exquisite flower has captivated hearts and minds across cultures and generations. Join me on a journey as we explore the allure and significance of the frangipani. A Symbol of Exotic Beauty Also known as plu...

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Whanganui’s Banana Bonanza: Going Tropical in Style!

Whanganui Goes Bananas: From Backyard Wonders to Fruity Feasts! Back in 2014, Steve Clotworthy’s 10-year-old banana tree in Aramoho made headlines when it fruited for the very first time. Today, bananas popping up in Whanganui backyards are hardly news. 🌴 Gareth Carter of Springvale Nurseries explains that Whanganui’s warming climate is transforming the way we garden. "In areas like Springvale...

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