Bulb Growing Guide for New Zealand Gardens: Your Path to a Blooming Paradise 🌷🌿

"Ready to achieve bulb planting brilliance? 🌷✨ Start by picking up your favorite bulbs from a garden centre between mid-February and early April – it’s prime bulb-planting time in New Zealand! 🍂 Prep your soil like a pro by mixing in some rich organic goodies like compost and sheep pellets. Lay down a cozy layer of bulb mix and plant your bulbs at a depth that's twice their diameter – think of ...

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Dahlia Growing Guide for New Zealand: Your Path to Stunning Blooms 🌸🌟

5 Steps to Dahlia Success Choose a sunny spot with plenty of room for dahlias to flourish. Spring, after frosts have passed, is the best time to plant dahlias in New Zealand.  Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add a layer of rose and shrub mix to plant into.  Feed in spring and autumn for optimum flowering. Water regularly to keep the soil moist, and deadhead to prolong the flowering season. Follow our full guide below to vibrant beautiful dahlias.

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Lawn Care Essentials: Maintaining a Lush Green Lawn in New Zealand

Welcome to the ultimate guide for achieving a lush, green lawn in New Zealand! Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a lawn care novice, we've got you covered with fun and practical tips to keep your grass looking fabulous all year round. Let's dive into the essentials of lawn care! 1. Mowing Magic Regular mowing is key to a healthy lawn. Aim to mow your lawn once a week during the growing seaso...

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