Holly Havoc: The Invasive Charm of Ilex aquifolium & Ilex cornuta in New Zealand

Greetings, fellow garden enthusiasts and nature warriors! 🌿 Today, we’re uncovering the prickly truth about Holly – specifically, Ilex aquifolium (English Holly) and Ilex cornuta (Chinese Holly). These festive-looking plants may conjure up images of holiday cheer with their spiky leaves and bright red berries, but don’t be fooled! In New Zealand, they are more of a garden grinch than a gift. Let’s...

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Dock the Invader: The Trouble with Rumex in New Zealand

Hey there, nature enthusiasts and garden guardians! 🌿 Have you ever come across those pesky plants with broad, paddle-like leaves in your backyard or paddock? Meet Dock – specifically, Rumex obtusifolius (Broad-leaved Dock), Rumex pulcher (Fiddle Dock), and Rumex conglomeratus (Clustered Dock). These green invaders are more than just a minor nuisance; they’re causing big problems in New Zealand’s ...

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Wild Ginger: The Beautiful but Invasive Invader of New Zealand

Hello, nature guardians and green enthusiasts! 🌿 Today, we’re taking a closer look at a pair of plants that are as captivating as they are problematic: Wild Ginger, specifically Hedychium gardnerianum (Kahili Ginger) and Hedychium flavescens (Yellow Ginger). These exotic beauties, while stunning, pose a significant threat to New Zealand’s native ecosystems. Let’s delve into why these plants, despi...

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