Feijoa Growing Guide for New Zealand: Sweet, Tangy, and Easy to Grow! 🌿🍈

5 Steps to Feijoa Success Autumn and spring are an ideal time to plant feijoas in most areas of New Zealand. Plant at least two different varieties. Even self-fertile varieties will produce a better crop if pollinated by other varieties.  Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add a layer of citrus & fruit mix to plant into.  Feed fejioas regularly from spring to harvest. Water deeply and regularly from mid to late summer when the fruit is developing and ripening. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown feijoas.

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Cucumber Growing Guide for New Zealand: Fresh and Crunchy Success! 🥒🌿

5 Steps to Cucumber Planting Success Create a support structure or frame for cucumbers to grow up. Choose a warm, sunny spot. Spring and summer are the best times to plant cucumbers in New Zealand.  Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets, then add a layer of vegetable mix to plant into. Water and feed your cucumbers regularly as they grow in spring and summer. Also ensure good ventilation around plants. Harvest cucumbers regularly to encourage flowering and fruiting. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown cucumbers.

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Beetroot Growing Guide for New Zealand: From Seed to Sweet Success! 🌱🌟

5 Steps to Beetroot Planting Success Choose a spot in full sun and prepare your soil with organic matter like sheep pellets and compost.  Add a layer of vegetable mix to plant into. Beetroot can be planted year round in New Zealand.  Plant beetroot in rows about 50cm apart.  Feed beetroot with vegetable food throughout the growing season.  Water regularly and keep the soil moist.  Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown beetroot.

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Pear Growing Guide for New Zealand: Juicy Delights from Your Garden! 🍐🌿

5 Steps to Pear Planting Success Choose an open, sunny position sheltered from strong winds for your pear tree. Pears are partially self-fertile. Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets.  Add a layer of citrus and fruit mix to plant into. In New Zealand winter is the optimum time to plant pear trees. Feed your pears in spring and summer to encourage maximum flowering and fruiting. Mulch and water well, particularly over the warmer months. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown pears.

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Camellia Growing Guide for New Zealand: Blooming Beauties in Your Garden! 🌸🌿

5 Steps to Camellia Success Choose a sheltered spot, protected from harsh midday sun, strong winds and frosts. Spring is the best time to plant camellias in New Zealand. Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add a layer of rose & shrub mix to plant into.  Feed after flowering and once again during its growing season. Water regularly to keep the soil moist, and mulch around the plants to protect its shallow roots. Follow our full guide below for quintessential camellias.

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Eggplant Growing Guide for New Zealand: From Seedling to Scrumptious! 🍆🌿

5 Steps to Eggplant Planting Success Choose a sunny, sheltered spot in your garden. Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add a layer of vegetable mix to plant into. Eggplants need a long, hot summer to produce and are best grown from spring after frosts. Feed every four weeks with vegetable food. Add a layer of mulch and keep your eggplants well watered. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of eggplants.

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Blueberry Growing Guide for New Zealand: Sweet Berries, Happy Plants! 🌿🍇

5 Steps to Blueberry Success Plant a combination of blueberry varieties of the same type to ensure good cross pollination. Choose a sheltered, well drained position in full sun and prepare your soil with organic matter like compost or sheep pellets. Add a layer of strawberry mix to plant into. Blueberries can be planted year-round in New Zealand.  Feed blueberries in spring and summer with citrus food, and prune dead or diseased wood and branches in winter. Water to keep moist throughout the growing season. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown blueberries.

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Feijoa Bambina: Can This Little Fruit Handle the Heat?

Feijoa Bambina is a resilient, drought-tolerant plant that can thrive even in challenging conditions. Its deep root system, combined with appropriate soil and water management, makes it an excellent choice for gardens aiming to conserve water while still enjoying the beauty and bounty of a productive fruiting plant. Whether you’re in a Mediterranean climate or facing periodic droughts, Feijoa Bambina can be a valuable addition to your garden, offering both aesthetic appeal and delicious rewards.

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Gladiolus Growing Guide for New Zealand: Spectacular Blooms in Your Garden! 🌸🌿

Tall, elegant and definitely stylish, Gladiolus (Gladys) are ideal floral centrepieces in both the garden and the vase. Once thought of as old-fashioned, these regal bulbs are finding new homes in gardens all over New Zealand. Grown for their amazing flowers, Gladys are perfect for picking. Little else has the form and structure that these plants do. Gladys come in a huge number of varieties and colours featuring most shades of the rainbow.

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