Bulb Growing Guide for New Zealand Gardens: Your Path to a Blooming Paradise 🌷🌿

"Ready to achieve bulb planting brilliance? 🌷✨ Start by picking up your favorite bulbs from a garden centre between mid-February and early April – it’s prime bulb-planting time in New Zealand! 🍂 Prep your soil like a pro by mixing in some rich organic goodies like compost and sheep pellets. Lay down a cozy layer of bulb mix and plant your bulbs at a depth that's twice their diameter – think of ...

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Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting?

Question. Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting to grow healthy roots? Answer. Hey there, banana enthusiasts! 🌿 If you’re gearing up to plant a banana tree, you might be wondering whether you need to cut the leaves before getting it in the ground. The short answer? It depends on the condition of the leaves and the planting process. Let’s dig a little deeper. Why You Mig...

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