Going troppo with bananas

Banana Dreams: Cultivating Tropical Beauty in Winter You might be wondering why I have bananas on my mind in the midst of winter. Well, after five days of relentless rain, I’m yearning for something to lift my spirits and make me feel a bit more tropical. 🌴 Bananas have always fascinated me, although my experiences with growing them have been a mixed bag. The Abyssinian bananas in my garden gr...

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Transforming Your Kiwi Backyard: Landscaping Trends in New Zealand

Ready to give your Kiwi backyard a fresh, modern makeover? New Zealand is embracing some fantastic landscaping trends that blend style, sustainability, and functionality. Whether you're looking to create a peaceful retreat or an entertainment hotspot, these ideas will help you transform your outdoor space into a true paradise. Let's explore the hottest landscaping trends in New Zealand! 1. Native...

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DIY Landscaping Projects to Enhance Your New Zealand Garden

Welcome to the ultimate guide for transforming your New Zealand garden into a spectacular oasis! Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie with a green thumb, we've got a bunch of fun and creative DIY landscaping projects to make your outdoor space shine. Let's dive in! 1. Create Stunning Garden Pathways Garden pathways are not only functional but also add a touch of elegance to your garden...

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