Feijoa Growing Guide for New Zealand: Sweet, Tangy, and Easy to Grow! 🌿🍈

5 Steps to Feijoa Success Autumn and spring are an ideal time to plant feijoas in most areas of New Zealand. Plant at least two different varieties. Even self-fertile varieties will produce a better crop if pollinated by other varieties.  Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add a layer of citrus & fruit mix to plant into.  Feed fejioas regularly from spring to harvest. Water deeply and regularly from mid to late summer when the fruit is developing and ripening. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown feijoas.

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Feijoa Bambina: Can This Little Fruit Handle the Heat?

Feijoa Bambina is a resilient, drought-tolerant plant that can thrive even in challenging conditions. Its deep root system, combined with appropriate soil and water management, makes it an excellent choice for gardens aiming to conserve water while still enjoying the beauty and bounty of a productive fruiting plant. Whether you’re in a Mediterranean climate or facing periodic droughts, Feijoa Bambina can be a valuable addition to your garden, offering both aesthetic appeal and delicious rewards.

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