Growing Green Thumbs: Sparking Gardening Interest in Kids

Hello, garden enthusiasts and future green thumbs! 🌿 Are you looking for fun and engaging ways to get your kids excited about gardening? Whether you have a spacious backyard or a cozy balcony, there are countless creative activities to cultivate a love for plants in your little ones. Let’s dig into some exciting ideas to inspire a new generation of gardeners! Start with the Basics: Planting Seeds...

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Creating Enchanted Worlds: Building a Fairy Garden with Kids

Hello, magical gardeners and little fairy fans! 🌸 Are you ready to embark on a whimsical adventure right in your backyard? Let’s dive into the enchanting world of fairy gardens and discover how to create a miniature paradise that will captivate your children’s imagination and provide endless hours of fun. Step 1: Choose the Perfect Spot The first step in building a fairy garden is to find the pe...

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Going troppo with bananas

Banana Dreams: Cultivating Tropical Beauty in Winter You might be wondering why I have bananas on my mind in the midst of winter. Well, after five days of relentless rain, I’m yearning for something to lift my spirits and make me feel a bit more tropical. 🌴 Bananas have always fascinated me, although my experiences with growing them have been a mixed bag. The Abyssinian bananas in my garden gr...

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Whanganui’s Banana Bonanza: Going Tropical in Style!

Whanganui Goes Bananas: From Backyard Wonders to Fruity Feasts! Back in 2014, Steve Clotworthy’s 10-year-old banana tree in Aramoho made headlines when it fruited for the very first time. Today, bananas popping up in Whanganui backyards are hardly news. 🌴 Gareth Carter of Springvale Nurseries explains that Whanganui’s warming climate is transforming the way we garden. "In areas like Springvale...

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