Troppo Plant & Garden Articles
- Delicious Recipes
- TROPPO’s Food Forest in Te Puke, BOP (www,foodforest.org.nz)
- Troppo’s Plant Collection
- TROPPO's Nursery Directory
- Food Forests of New Zealand (www.foodforests.nz)
- Nursery Map - Plant Suppliers of NZ Directory (www.nurserymap.nz)
- Kids Garden Corner
- New Zealand Garden Bird Survey
- New Zealand Garden Groups
How and when do I refresh my pot plants?
Question. Hi, we have been using garden pots for some years now and the soil in some of the pots with shrubs in them is very compacted. Do I try to refresh the pots and put in new potting mix, or is there another way?
Answer. Over time, soil in garden pots can become compacted, leading to poor d...