Just a quick heads-up: the info on this website is here to guide you on your green journey, but it's not the final word. We do our best to keep everything accurate, but Troppo and our team can't take responsibility for every opinion or detail shared. If you're diving into planting—whether it’s a cozy backyard project or a big commercial venture—we highly recommend chatting with local experts who know the ropes in your neck of the woods. They’ll help you pick the perfect plants and make sure your crops are a smashing success! Happy gardening! 🌱🌷
pink plumeria
Pink Frangipani in flower – 30l pot – 900 high
I have three 1st timer pink blossom frangipanis in bloom at moment.
This is one of them, it is in a 30l pot and about 900 high from top of pot
How about calling it "TulipBliss"? Purchase of this frangipani is unique and no cuttings have been taken and you get naming rights to bloom.
*Pickup only as large pot and plant (Tauranga and Te Puke option for pickup)