Orange Fruit on an Orange Tree

How much Tui Enrich Controlled Release fertiliser do I feed my citrus in a wine barrel?

Question. I have purchased some Tui Enrich for my citrus trees which are in 1/2 wine barrels which hold a couple of bags of container mix. Now after a year they need a feed. They are large advanced grade trees, how much Enrich do I put in each barrel. Answer. Feeding your citrus trees is essential for maintaining their health and productivity, especially when they are growing in containers. Tui...

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Holly Havoc: The Invasive Charm of Ilex aquifolium & Ilex cornuta in New Zealand

Greetings, fellow garden enthusiasts and nature warriors! 🌿 Today, we’re uncovering the prickly truth about Holly – specifically, Ilex aquifolium (English Holly) and Ilex cornuta (Chinese Holly). These festive-looking plants may conjure up images of holiday cheer with their spiky leaves and bright red berries, but don’t be fooled! In New Zealand, they are more of a garden grinch than a gift. Let’s...

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Tamarilloes Cut in Half

When should I prune tamarillo?

Question. Hi, when should I prune tamarillo in Northland? Answer. Pruning your tamarillo (also known as tree tomato) at the right time is essential for promoting healthy growth, improving fruit quality, and maintaining a manageable tree size. In Northland, New Zealand, the climate is generally mild and subtropical, which provides a suitable environment for tamarillo trees. Here’s a guide on whe...

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Woman With Black and Red Flower Tattoo Standing Behind Blue Flowers

Why are my hydrangea leaves turning black?

Question. My hydrangeas have flowered well but has not been very leafy this year. The leaves are lush green for a short time, then turn grey, then black and drop off. When I cleaned up the black leaves and dead-headed, the cycle started again. Ive never seen the leaves go grey before. It seems a bad sign. Is there anything I can do about it? I have several different types of hydrangeas growing alo...

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Beware the Beauty: The Invasive Charm of Bear’s Breeches in New Zealand

Hey there, nature protectors and plant aficionados! 🌿 Have you ever encountered the striking Bear's Breeches, or Acanthus mollis, in your garden or local wild spaces? This plant, with its bold foliage and towering flower spikes, might look like a garden superstar. But behind its stunning appearance lies a serious problem for New Zealand’s native ecosystems. Let's explore why Bear's Breeches, despi...

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Basil Plant on Wooden Crate

Why are my herbs hardly growing?

Question. Hi there, my coriander and basil are hardly growing - my favourite herbs! Any suggestions? I live in South Canterbury. Answer. Hi there! It's frustrating when your favorite herbs like coriander (cilantro) and basil struggle to grow. These herbs are not only delicious but also add a fresh, vibrant flavor to many dishes. Let's explore some tips and strategies to help your coriander and ...

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The Tangled Tale of Old Man’s Beard: An Invasive Invader in New Zealand

Hello, fellow nature lovers and weed warriors! 🌿 Today, we’re unraveling the story of one of New Zealand’s most notorious invasive plants: Old Man’s Beard, or Clematis vitalba. This fast-growing vine might look like a fairy tale with its fluffy, beard-like seeds, but don’t be fooled! It’s more like a villain in disguise, causing serious problems for our native ecosystems. Let’s dive into why Old M...

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pomelo fruits in tree near flowers

What would cause my lemons to go mouldy on the tree?

Question. Hi, I have a very robust and heavy bearer lemon tree. This year the fruit is going mouldy on the tree. What would be the cause? Answer. Having a robust and heavy-bearing lemon tree is wonderful, but it's concerning when the fruit starts going mouldy on the tree. Understanding the potential causes and how to address them can help you protect your harvest and maintain the health of your...

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The Puzzling Problem of Contorta Pine: An Invader of New Zealand

Hello, nature lovers and environmental champions! 🌲 Today, we’re focusing on a tree that’s causing quite a stir in New Zealand’s landscapes: the Contorta Pine. Known botanically as Pinus contorta and commonly referred to as Lodgepole Pine or P. murrayana, this tree is part of the Pinaceae family. While its towering presence might seem majestic, the Contorta Pine has become an unwelcome guest in ou...

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The Fluffy Foe: Battling Woolly Mullein – Verbascum thapsus in New Zealand

Hello, fellow gardeners and nature defenders! 🌿 Today, we’re turning the spotlight on a plant that might look soft and innocent but is causing big problems across New Zealand: Woolly Mullein, or Verbascum thapsus. This tall, fuzzy invader with its bright yellow flowers is more than just an unusual sight in our fields and gardens. Let’s dive into why Woolly Mullein is considered an invasive pest an...

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What do I fertilise my young banana tree with and how often?

Question. Hello, what do I fertilise my young banana tree with and how often? Answer. Hey there, banana enthusiasts! 🌿 If you’re nurturing a young banana tree and wondering how to keep it happy and thriving, you’ve come to the right place. Let's dig into the best fertilizers for your banana tree and how often you should be feeding it. Choosing the Right Fertilizer Banana trees are heavy feede...

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a close up of a broccoli plant with leaves

Help, I have whitefly in my glasshouse.

Question. Hi, I live in Taranaki, and have just picked and uprooted my broccoli plants which were growing in a hothouse, they had loads of white bugs under the leaves. Will these affect other things in the hothouse even though the infected plants are now removed. Please help as I am new to vegetarian gardening. Answer. It's great to hear that you're diving into vegetarian gardening! Removing yo...

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The Perfect Potting Mix for Hibiscus: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating the perfect potting mix for your hibiscus is essential for ensuring healthy growth and abundant blooms. By understanding the specific needs of hibiscus plants and using the right mix of ingredients, you can provide an ideal growing environment. Remember to water, fertilize, and prune your hibiscus regularly to keep it thriving. With these tips, your hibiscus will be a stunning addition to your garden or home.

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Close-up of Fly Agaric Mushroom on Field

How do I treat toadstools/fungi in my lawn?

Question. Hi, fungus/toadstool growing in our lawn, how do we get rid of this without killing the lawn? Answer. Finding fungus or toadstools growing in your lawn can be concerning, but it's a common issue that can be managed effectively. Here are some steps to get rid of these unwanted fungi while keeping your lawn healthy and lush. Understanding Why Fungi Grow in Lawns Fungi and toadstools o...

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A Green Grass with White Clouds on the Blue Sky

How can I rejuvenate my patchy lawn?

Question. My lawn is not growing very well. It is patchy. What can i do to rejuvenate the lawn and when? Answer. Having a lush, green lawn is a dream for many homeowners, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, the grass just doesn't grow as well as we'd like. If your lawn is patchy and struggling, don't worry—there are several steps you can take to rejuvenate it and restore its beauty. Here's...

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strawberries on stainless steel bowl

Can I use Tui Strawberry Food on my strawberries in pots?

Question. I have planted my early strawberries in large plastic containers only to find that Tui Strawberry food is not suitable for plants in pots and containers. Why is this as they have ample root space? Answer.  Planting strawberries in large plastic containers is a great way to enjoy fresh fruit even with limited garden space. However, you may have discovered that Tui Strawberry Food is no...

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Is it helpful to pinch out the first flower heads to promote a fuller flowering plant?

Question. Hi, is it helpful to pinch out the first flower heads to promote a fuller flowering marigold plant? Answer. Marigolds are beloved by gardeners for their vibrant colors and ease of growth. To achieve a fuller and more abundant display of marigold blooms, one effective technique is pinching out the first flower heads. But is this really helpful for marigolds? Let's explore why and how t...

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Feijoa Bambina: Can This Little Fruit Handle the Heat?

Feijoa Bambina is a resilient, drought-tolerant plant that can thrive even in challenging conditions. Its deep root system, combined with appropriate soil and water management, makes it an excellent choice for gardens aiming to conserve water while still enjoying the beauty and bounty of a productive fruiting plant. Whether you’re in a Mediterranean climate or facing periodic droughts, Feijoa Bambina can be a valuable addition to your garden, offering both aesthetic appeal and delicious rewards.

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Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting?

Question. Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting to grow healthy roots? Answer. Hey there, banana enthusiasts! 🌿 If you’re gearing up to plant a banana tree, you might be wondering whether you need to cut the leaves before getting it in the ground. The short answer? It depends on the condition of the leaves and the planting process. Let’s dig a little deeper. Why You Mig...

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The Persistent Pest: Tackling Twin Cress – Lepidium didymum in New Zealand

Hello, green thumbs and eco-warriors! 🌿 Today, we’re shedding light on a small but mighty invader that’s been creeping its way across New Zealand’s gardens and farmlands: Twin Cress, or Lepidium didymum. This tiny troublemaker may be easy to overlook, but its impact on our ecosystems is significant. Let’s explore why Twin Cress needs to be controlled and how you can help keep this invasive plant i...

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green and purple leaves plant

What herbs can I grow to deter flies?

Question. What herbs can I grow to keep flies away? Answer. Flies can be a nuisance, especially during the warmer months. Growing certain herbs can help deter these pesky insects while adding beauty and fragrance to your garden. Here’s a list of herbs that are known for their fly-repelling properties and tips on how to grow them effectively. Herbs That Repel Flies 1. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) ...

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How do I move worms in a worm farm?

Question. Hi, I have had a worm farm for about 11 months. Is it safe to transfer the compost and worms to my garden? I understood these tiger worms are not the same as wild worms? There is no way of separating the worms from the composted material. Is it safe to introduce them into my garden? Answer.  Hi there! It's fantastic to hear that you've been maintaining a worm farm for nearly a year...

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Dock the Invader: The Trouble with Rumex in New Zealand

Hey there, nature enthusiasts and garden guardians! 🌿 Have you ever come across those pesky plants with broad, paddle-like leaves in your backyard or paddock? Meet Dock – specifically, Rumex obtusifolius (Broad-leaved Dock), Rumex pulcher (Fiddle Dock), and Rumex conglomeratus (Clustered Dock). These green invaders are more than just a minor nuisance; they’re causing big problems in New Zealand’s ...

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Photo of Person Sitting Near Potted Plants

How and when do I refresh my pot plants?

Question. Hi, we have been using garden pots for some years now and the soil in some of the pots with shrubs in them is very compacted. Do I try to refresh the pots and put in new potting mix, or is there another way? Answer.  Over time, soil in garden pots can become compacted, leading to poor drainage, reduced aeration, and inhibited root growth. When dealing with compacted soil in pots with ...

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Orange and Pink Petaled Flowers

What flower seeds germinate quickly?

Question. Hi there, can you tell me which seed varieties germinate in about 7 days. I am making miniature scenes (instant fairy gardens) for our school calf club display and I was wondering if there was anything that I could bulk buy that was suitable. I am also looking for best non-toxic wild flower mix to plant outside my classroom please. Answer. Creating miniature scenes like instant fair...

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a pile of dirty potatoes sitting in the dirt

Which Potato varieties are indeterminate and determinate?

Question. Hi, which potatoes are indeterminate, these are best container ones as they make more potatoes as soil is mounded and added. Also the determinate ones don't need mounding up, this would save on buying vegetable mix to know this. I grow on an old riverbed and for me indeterminate potatoes give best yield for effort. Answer. Growing potatoes in containers is a fantastic way to maximize ...

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Wild Ginger: The Beautiful but Invasive Invader of New Zealand

Hello, nature guardians and green enthusiasts! 🌿 Today, we’re taking a closer look at a pair of plants that are as captivating as they are problematic: Wild Ginger, specifically Hedychium gardnerianum (Kahili Ginger) and Hedychium flavescens (Yellow Ginger). These exotic beauties, while stunning, pose a significant threat to New Zealand’s native ecosystems. Let’s delve into why these plants, despi...

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