Troppo Plant & Garden Articles
- Delicious Recipes
- TROPPO’s Food Forest in Te Puke, BOP (www,foodforest.org.nz)
- Troppo’s Plant Collection
- TROPPO's Nursery Directory
- Food Forests of New Zealand (www.foodforests.nz)
- Nursery Map - Plant Suppliers of NZ Directory (www.nurserymap.nz)
- Kids Garden Corner
- New Zealand Garden Bird Survey
- New Zealand Garden Groups
Wetlands restoration in Te Puke with FRUITION’s Hei Whanake
As part of Vector Group Charitable Trust, Troppo is documenting the comprehensive wetlands restoration project in Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. Today marked the commencement of planting a significant number of native flora, a crucial step in rejuvenating our region's natural resources. In a few weeks, the...