Troppo Plant & Garden Articles
- Delicious Recipes
- TROPPO’s Food Forest in Te Puke, BOP (www,foodforest.org.nz)
- Troppo’s Plant Collection
- TROPPO's Nursery Directory
- Food Forests of New Zealand (www.foodforests.nz)
- Nursery Map - Plant Suppliers of NZ Directory (www.nurserymap.nz)
- Kids Garden Corner
- New Zealand Garden Bird Survey
- New Zealand Garden Groups
🍌 Preventing Banana Plants from Falling Over: A Simple Support Method 🍌
Banana plants are heavy feeders and fast growers, producing lush foliage and large fruit bunches. However, their shallow root systems and top-heavy nature make them prone to falling over, especially in high winds or when bearing heavy fruit. While traditional methods involve staking or tying them ba...