About Troppo

Plants are like little superheroes for our well-being, injecting a burst of vitality into our lives! 🌿✨ As life speeds up, we crave that deep connection with nature more than ever. Enter plants, with their superpowers: they nourish us, calm us, add rich textures and vibrant colors to our surroundings, and even clean up the air we breathe. 🪴🌸 They're our bridge to the natural world, making our lives richer, happier, and healthier. So, let’s give a cheer for plants, the ultimate life enhancers! 🌼🌱

A Green Grass with White Clouds on the Blue Sky

How can I rejuvenate my patchy lawn?

Question. My lawn is not growing very well. It is patchy. What can i do to rejuvenate the lawn and when? Answer. Having a lush, green lawn is a dream for many homeowners, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, the grass just doesn't grow as well as we'd like. If your lawn is patchy and struggling, don't worry—there are several steps you can take to rejuvenate it and restore its beauty. Here's...

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What’s a Minibeast? The Tiny Titans of the Backyard!

Hey there, fellow explorers of the great outdoors! 🌿 Ever found yourself peering into the grass, only to be greeted by a tiny, scurrying creature and wondered, “What on earth is that?” Well, my friend, you’ve just encountered a minibeast! But what exactly is a minibeast, and why are they so fascinating? Let’s dive into the miniature world of these incredible critters and find out! Minibeasts: T...

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Eggplant Growing Guide for New Zealand: From Seedling to Scrumptious! 🍆🌿

5 Steps to Eggplant Planting Success Choose a sunny, sheltered spot in your garden. Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add a layer of vegetable mix to plant into. Eggplants need a long, hot summer to produce and are best grown from spring after frosts. Feed every four weeks with vegetable food. Add a layer of mulch and keep your eggplants well watered. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of eggplants.

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strawberries on stainless steel bowl

Can I use Tui Strawberry Food on my strawberries in pots?

Question. I have planted my early strawberries in large plastic containers only to find that Tui Strawberry food is not suitable for plants in pots and containers. Why is this as they have ample root space? Answer.  Planting strawberries in large plastic containers is a great way to enjoy fresh fruit even with limited garden space. However, you may have discovered that Tui Strawberry Food is no...

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corn, black corn, food

Growing Guide for Mini Black Heirloom Popping Corn in New Zealand

Mini black heirloom popping corn is a unique and fun variety to grow in your garden. This type of corn is not only decorative but also produces delicious popcorn. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you successfully grow mini black heirloom popping corn in New Zealand. Choosing the Right Location Corn needs a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Choose a location that receives at least 6-8 hours...

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Is it helpful to pinch out the first flower heads to promote a fuller flowering plant?

Question. Hi, is it helpful to pinch out the first flower heads to promote a fuller flowering marigold plant? Answer. Marigolds are beloved by gardeners for their vibrant colors and ease of growth. To achieve a fuller and more abundant display of marigold blooms, one effective technique is pinching out the first flower heads. But is this really helpful for marigolds? Let's explore why and how t...

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Let’s Get Growing: Fun Children’s Garden Ideas and Designs!

Hello, budding gardeners and playful planters! 🌱 Are you ready to dive into a world of greenery and giggles? Let’s jump into our list of children’s garden ideas and designs that will make your little ones excited to get their hands dirty and explore the magic of gardening. From whimsical garden designs to creative planting projects, there’s something for every young green thumb here! 1. Fairy Gar...

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Turmeric Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Give your scrambled eggs a healthy and flavorful twist with the addition of turmeric. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric adds a vibrant color and a subtle, earthy flavor to this classic breakfast dish. This quick and easy recipe is perfect for a nutritious start to your day. Ingredients 4 large eggs 1/4 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy) 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1/4...

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Community Gardens in New Zealand

North Island Northland Whangarei Community Gardens Location: 42 Second Avenue, Whangarei Contact: whangareicommunitygardens@gmail.com Website: whangareicommunitygardens.org.nz Details: Offers workshops, volunteering opportunities, and fresh produce sharing. Kerikeri Community Garden Location: 7 Cobham Road, Kerikeri Contact: kerikericommunitygarden@gmail.com Details: Focuses on org...

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Blueberry Growing Guide for New Zealand: Sweet Berries, Happy Plants! 🌿🍇

5 Steps to Blueberry Success Plant a combination of blueberry varieties of the same type to ensure good cross pollination. Choose a sheltered, well drained position in full sun and prepare your soil with organic matter like compost or sheep pellets. Add a layer of strawberry mix to plant into. Blueberries can be planted year-round in New Zealand.  Feed blueberries in spring and summer with citrus food, and prune dead or diseased wood and branches in winter. Water to keep moist throughout the growing season. Follow our full guide below to a bumper crop of homegrown blueberries.

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Feijoa Bambina: Can This Little Fruit Handle the Heat?

Feijoa Bambina is a resilient, drought-tolerant plant that can thrive even in challenging conditions. Its deep root system, combined with appropriate soil and water management, makes it an excellent choice for gardens aiming to conserve water while still enjoying the beauty and bounty of a productive fruiting plant. Whether you’re in a Mediterranean climate or facing periodic droughts, Feijoa Bambina can be a valuable addition to your garden, offering both aesthetic appeal and delicious rewards.

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Going troppo with bananas

Banana Dreams: Cultivating Tropical Beauty in Winter You might be wondering why I have bananas on my mind in the midst of winter. Well, after five days of relentless rain, I’m yearning for something to lift my spirits and make me feel a bit more tropical. 🌴 Bananas have always fascinated me, although my experiences with growing them have been a mixed bag. The Abyssinian bananas in my garden gr...

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The Ultimate Guide to Fun and Creative Garden Learning Tools

Hello, garden enthusiasts and budding botanists! 🌿 Are you ready to take your gardening knowledge to the next level with some exciting and creative learning tools? Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, there are plenty of digital and practical tools to make your gardening journey both educational and fun. Let’s explore some of the best garden learning tools that will help you gr...

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Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting?

Question. Do I need to cut the leaves on my banana tree before planting to grow healthy roots? Answer. Hey there, banana enthusiasts! 🌿 If you’re gearing up to plant a banana tree, you might be wondering whether you need to cut the leaves before getting it in the ground. The short answer? It depends on the condition of the leaves and the planting process. Let’s dig a little deeper. Why You Mig...

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Here’s a list of garden clubs and associations across New Zealand, organized by region:

Here's a comprehensive list of garden clubs and associations across New Zealand, organized by region: North Island Northland Whangarei Garden Club - Contact: whangareigardenclub@gmail.com Kerikeri Garden Club - Contact: info@kerikerigardenclub.org.nz Auckland Auckland Horticultural Council - Website: (http://www.auckhortsoc.co.nz) Pukekohe Garden Circle - Contact: pukekohegardencircle@g...

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Experience the Bay of Plenty, NZ Like a Local

Explore the Beaches Mount Maunganui (The Mount): A local favorite for its stunning beach and hiking trails. Climb to the summit for panoramic views. Papamoa Beach: Quieter than The Mount, great for a relaxing day by the sea. Visit Local Markets Tauranga Farmers Market: Held every Saturday morning, offering fresh local produce, artisanal goods, and live music. Mount Maunganui Market: A vib...

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The Persistent Pest: Tackling Twin Cress – Lepidium didymum in New Zealand

Hello, green thumbs and eco-warriors! 🌿 Today, we’re shedding light on a small but mighty invader that’s been creeping its way across New Zealand’s gardens and farmlands: Twin Cress, or Lepidium didymum. This tiny troublemaker may be easy to overlook, but its impact on our ecosystems is significant. Let’s explore why Twin Cress needs to be controlled and how you can help keep this invasive plant i...

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Gladiolus Growing Guide for New Zealand: Spectacular Blooms in Your Garden! 🌸🌿

Tall, elegant and definitely stylish, Gladiolus (Gladys) are ideal floral centrepieces in both the garden and the vase. Once thought of as old-fashioned, these regal bulbs are finding new homes in gardens all over New Zealand. Grown for their amazing flowers, Gladys are perfect for picking. Little else has the form and structure that these plants do. Gladys come in a huge number of varieties and colours featuring most shades of the rainbow.

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Mango Rice Pudding

Indulge in the creamy and tropical flavors of mango rice pudding. This delightful dessert combines the rich texture of rice pudding with the sweet and tangy taste of fresh mango. It’s an easy-to-make treat that can be enjoyed warm or chilled, perfect for any occasion. Ingredients 1 cup Arborio or short-grain rice 2 cups water 4 cups milk (dairy or coconut milk for a tropical twist) ...

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Indoor house plants, benefits of indoor plants, house plants for air quality, indoor gardening, low-maintenance house plants, mental health benefits of plants, plants for small spaces, stress reduction with plants, therapeutic benefits of plants, sustainable living with plants, air-purifying plants, humidity regulation with plants, respiratory health benefits, connection to nature, aesthetic enhancement with plants, best indoor plants, plant care tips, indoor plant selection, plants for beginners, indoor plant maintenance, improving productivity with plants, decorating with house plants, urban gardening, plants for better sleep, indoor plants and wellness, reducing indoor pollution with plants, health benefits of house plants, immune system support with plants, plants for mood enhancement

The Positive Impact of Growing Indoor House Plants

Indoor house plants offer a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. They improve air quality, enhance mental and emotional well-being, support physical health, and contribute to sustainable living. As we navigate the demands of modern life, the presence of indoor plants provides a tangible connection to nature, offering comfort, tranquility, and a breath of fresh air.

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green and purple leaves plant

What herbs can I grow to deter flies?

Question. What herbs can I grow to keep flies away? Answer. Flies can be a nuisance, especially during the warmer months. Growing certain herbs can help deter these pesky insects while adding beauty and fragrance to your garden. Here’s a list of herbs that are known for their fly-repelling properties and tips on how to grow them effectively. Herbs That Repel Flies 1. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) ...

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December - Flower Gardener's Diary for the Bay of Plenty

December – Flower Gardener’s Diary for New New Zealand

December is the height of summer in New Zealand, and your flower garden will be bursting with color and activity. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you manage your flower garden during this vibrant month. Planting Summer Annuals: Continue planting summer annuals such as marigolds, zinnias, sunflowers, petunias, and impatiens for vibrant color. Perennials: Plant perennials like dahl...

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Transforming Your Kiwi Backyard: Landscaping Trends in New Zealand

Ready to give your Kiwi backyard a fresh, modern makeover? New Zealand is embracing some fantastic landscaping trends that blend style, sustainability, and functionality. Whether you're looking to create a peaceful retreat or an entertainment hotspot, these ideas will help you transform your outdoor space into a true paradise. Let's explore the hottest landscaping trends in New Zealand! 1. Native...

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Exploring the Fascinating World of Flowering Plants in the Araceae Family

Introduction The Araceae family, commonly known as the arum or aroid family, encompasses some of the most intriguing and diverse flowering plants. From the exotic Anthurium to the iconic Peace Lily, the Araceae family holds a unique place in both botany and horticulture. This extensive family includes over 3,750 species, distributed across approximately 114 genera. Their distinct morphology, fa...

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Frangipani, the Fragrance of Memories

Nestled among the vibrant tapestry of tropical blooms, the frangipani stands out as a timeless emblem of beauty and tranquility. With its delicate petals and intoxicating fragrance, this exquisite flower has captivated hearts and minds across cultures and generations. Join me on a journey as we explore the allure and significance of the frangipani. A Symbol of Exotic Beauty Also known as plu...

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Health Benefits of Inga edulis (Ice Cream Bean)

Inga edulis, with its high content of beneficial phytochemicals and its positive environmental impact, offers several health benefits. Its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds support general health, and its nutritional value makes it a good addition to the diet. The plant’s role in improving soil quality also makes it a valuable species for sustainable agriculture.

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Here’s an in-depth look at banana propagation and the various banana varieties.

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide, and their cultivation is a fascinating topic. Here’s an in-depth look at banana propagation and the various banana varieties. ### Banana Propagation Bananas can be propagated through several methods, with the most common being vegetative propagation. This is because bananas are typically seedless and require cloning techniques to reproduc...

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Lawn Care Essentials: Maintaining a Lush Green Lawn in New Zealand

Welcome to the ultimate guide for achieving a lush, green lawn in New Zealand! Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a lawn care novice, we've got you covered with fun and practical tips to keep your grass looking fabulous all year round. Let's dive into the essentials of lawn care! 1. Mowing Magic Regular mowing is key to a healthy lawn. Aim to mow your lawn once a week during the growing seaso...

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How do I move worms in a worm farm?

Question. Hi, I have had a worm farm for about 11 months. Is it safe to transfer the compost and worms to my garden? I understood these tiger worms are not the same as wild worms? There is no way of separating the worms from the composted material. Is it safe to introduce them into my garden? Answer.  Hi there! It's fantastic to hear that you've been maintaining a worm farm for nearly a year...

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Whanganui’s Banana Bonanza: Going Tropical in Style!

Whanganui Goes Bananas: From Backyard Wonders to Fruity Feasts! Back in 2014, Steve Clotworthy’s 10-year-old banana tree in Aramoho made headlines when it fruited for the very first time. Today, bananas popping up in Whanganui backyards are hardly news. 🌴 Gareth Carter of Springvale Nurseries explains that Whanganui’s warming climate is transforming the way we garden. "In areas like Springvale...

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Dock the Invader: The Trouble with Rumex in New Zealand

Hey there, nature enthusiasts and garden guardians! 🌿 Have you ever come across those pesky plants with broad, paddle-like leaves in your backyard or paddock? Meet Dock – specifically, Rumex obtusifolius (Broad-leaved Dock), Rumex pulcher (Fiddle Dock), and Rumex conglomeratus (Clustered Dock). These green invaders are more than just a minor nuisance; they’re causing big problems in New Zealand’s ...

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Dive into Paradise with These Delicious Tropical Fruit Salad Recipes 🍍🍉🥭

Tropical fruit salads are the epitome of vibrant, refreshing, and healthful eating. They bring together the luscious flavors and stunning colors of the tropics, offering a taste of paradise in every bite. Whether you're looking to add a burst of freshness to your breakfast, a delightful side dish for a summer barbecue, or a healthy snack to enjoy anytime, tropical fruit salads are the perfect choi...

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Photo of Person Sitting Near Potted Plants

How and when do I refresh my pot plants?

Question. Hi, we have been using garden pots for some years now and the soil in some of the pots with shrubs in them is very compacted. Do I try to refresh the pots and put in new potting mix, or is there another way? Answer.  Over time, soil in garden pots can become compacted, leading to poor drainage, reduced aeration, and inhibited root growth. When dealing with compacted soil in pots with ...

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Exploring New Zealand’s Garden Groups: Facebook, Instagram, and Your Community

Gardening in New Zealand is a passion that blossoms both online and offline. Whether you’re nurturing native ferns, cultivating rare orchids, or growing your own food, connecting with fellow plant enthusiasts can enhance your gardening experience. This guide will take you through the thriving garden communities on Facebook, Instagram, and in your local area, helping you to find your tribe and cult...

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Orange and Pink Petaled Flowers

What flower seeds germinate quickly?

Question. Hi there, can you tell me which seed varieties germinate in about 7 days. I am making miniature scenes (instant fairy gardens) for our school calf club display and I was wondering if there was anything that I could bulk buy that was suitable. I am also looking for best non-toxic wild flower mix to plant outside my classroom please. Answer. Creating miniature scenes like instant fair...

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