Calling all plant enthusiasts! 🌱 Whether you're a grower of the rarest orchids, a seller of succulent superfoods, or a cultivator of tropical treasures, we want you in our community! 🌺🍃

We love what we do

Join us as we share the joys of nurturing exotic edibles and discovering the wonders of tropical flora. From swapping tips on growing the perfect passionfruit vine to showcasing your latest rare fern find, our group is the perfect place for plant lovers to connect, learn, and grow together. Let’s turn our collective green thumbs into a thriving oasis of knowledge and friendship. 🌿🌟


About our online store

“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.”
– Gertrude Jekyl

We’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded our green haven! 🌿 In addition to our own fabulous plants, we’re now welcoming a whole bunch of amazing vendors and plant sellers to our online portal. It’s like a botanical bazaar, right at your fingertips! 🪴🌸

Now, you can browse through multiple sellers in one go, making it super easy to find, buy, and learn all about your favorite leafy treasures. Whether you need advice on plant care, want to explore growth tips, or are just on the hunt for that next rare and exotic specimen to add to your collection, we’ve got you covered.

We’re just as passionate about those quirky, unique, and tropical beauties as you are. So, if you’re looking for a one-stop spot to fuel your plant obsession, you’ve just found your paradise. Dive in and let’s grow this vibrant community together! 🌺🌵🌴

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``Plants That Make You Happy``

At Troppo, we believe that every sprout, every bloom, and every little green miracle deserves to be celebrated. And guess what? We’re here to cheer you on, hand in hand, through every twist and turn of your gardening adventure. 🌺✨

Imagine a community where your passion for plants is not just understood but celebrated with gusto! Whether you’re nurturing your first succulent or orchestrating a botanical symphony in your backyard, we’re right beside you, sharing in the excitement and the joy. 🌵🎉

Our love for plants is contagious, and we’re all about spreading that green fever far and wide. From the tiniest seedling to the grandest tree, each plant holds a special place in our hearts. We’re here to swap tips, share successes (and the occasional oops), and cultivate a space where everyone’s plant dreams can thrive. 🌸🌟

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty together. Whether it’s digging into the soil, swapping stories, or marveling at the wonders of nature, we’re all in this beautiful, green journey as one big, happy, plant-loving family. 🌼💚

Join us as we grow, bloom, and celebrate the magic of plants, one leaf at a time. Because at Troppo, we’re not just growing plants; we’re growing friendships, passions, and a whole lot of love for the natural world. 🌿🌺🌟”

Collaborating plants and things

We had an absolute blast being part of the Annual Orchid Show with the BOP Orchid Society in Te Puke! 🌺✨

Imagine walking into a vibrant wonderland filled with every type of orchid you can dream of – from the most delicate, fragrant blooms to the bold, exotic beauties that look like they belong in a tropical paradise. That’s exactly what we experienced at the show, and it was nothing short of magical. 🦋🌸

Hosted by the wonderful folks at the Bay of Plenty Orchid Society, this event was a celebration of all things orchid. Whether you’re an orchid aficionado or just someone who appreciates stunning flowers, there was something to marvel at around every corner. We were in awe of the incredible variety and the sheer artistry of the displays. It was like stepping into a floral fairy tale!

But the show wasn’t just about gawking at gorgeous orchids (though we did a lot of that!). It was also a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow plant enthusiasts, swap growing tips, and geek out over our shared love for these mesmerizing plants. 🌿🤩

From learning the secrets behind cultivating the perfect bloom to discovering rare and unusual orchid species, we soaked up every moment. And the best part? Meeting so many passionate growers and orchid lovers who were more than happy to share their knowledge and stories. 🌷💬

Being a part of this event reminded us why we’re so passionate about what we do. The camaraderie, the shared excitement, and the joy of celebrating these incredible plants with our community made it a truly unforgettable experience. 🌺💖

So, here’s to the Bay of Plenty Orchid Society and their stunning Annual Orchid Show! We can’t wait to do it all again next year. Until then, we’ll be dreaming of orchids and plotting how to add even more of these beauties to our collection. 🌼🌿✨

Collaborating a food forest install in Bay of Plenty

Guess what’s sprouting in the Bay of Plenty? We’re teaming up to create a fabulous food forest in Te Puke! 🌳🍇 Picture a lush, thriving paradise right in our own backyards, where fruit, nuts, and herbs mingle and grow together in perfect harmony.

Our collaboration is more than just planting – it’s a community coming together with a shared passion for green living and delicious, home-grown produce. 🍎🥬 Working side by side with fellow garden enthusiasts who are just as excited about creating this edible oasis as we are is an absolute joy.

Imagine wandering through a backyard filled with towering fruit trees, lush berry bushes, and fragrant herbs, all ready to be picked and enjoyed. This food forest is not just about growing food; it’s about cultivating a space where nature and community flourish together. 🌿🌺

Seeing the enthusiasm and love for sustainable gardening from our neighbors and friends is incredibly inspiring. It’s proof that when we join forces, we can turn any corner of our land into a bountiful, eco-friendly haven. 🌱💚

So, here’s to the dreamers and doers in Te Puke and beyond – let’s keep planting, growing, and nurturing our little patches of paradise. Together, we’re not just planting trees; we’re sowing seeds of community and sustainability. 🍓🌍✨